Thursday, May 23, 2013

Love Will Save Us

 A friend of mine today informed me about an incident that has occurred in London. I haven't watched the video or know anything about it but from what I gather someone was murdered. Brutally.

My friend said he hates living in fear, that this world is crazy and if it continues this way than he no longer wants to be here.

I don't blame him for feeling this way at all and I told him was that YES some seriously bad shit happens in this world but there is just as much love out there also - we just don't hear about it.

The news NEVER reports the love stories only ever the FEAR stories. The world needs love, not us to add to that fear by displaying it, talking about, showing it off etc.

I'm not in anyway saying to 'ignore' what is going on in the world I am just saying it doesn't need us to fuel it. Its time to reclaim our world with love, not fear. To tip the balance.

The world needs solutions, not displays. This world needs us. It needs us to step up and fight back, but not with weapons but with our hearts. To stop this craziness before it kills us all.

So I send love. I send love to all those in fear, all those hurting. I pray for them. I pray for this world but most of all I believe in this world and i believe in us as the human race. We were put on this earth to love, to give, to share, not to fear, take, and keep.

I am so very passionate about this because the world is relying on every single one of us to make that difference, to make a change and to take that step forward. Will you?

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