Thursday, January 10, 2013

Peace at the Park.

Blessings in disguise. They happen every day. Well to me they do but perhaps that is because I look for them. I see an everyday situation and look for the good in it, the blessing.  Today was no different...

School holidays. All kids at home and me having only just put my spoon down from finishing breakfast, I hear the inevitable "I'm bored" "What are we going to do today".

After the night I just had I didn't want to do anything. I would have rather slept, relaxed and did anything but take three children out in public. But I did. Why? Because I'm awesome. No seriously its because I couldn't handle the "I'm bored ... where are we going today"  which was on repeat by my eldest.. So I packed them all up and headed for the nearest park I could find.

I complained all the way. 'I don't want to do this' 'why am I doing this' 'Its too hot for this' etc etc. All this was going on inside my head. Then we arrived and it all changed. The blessing came.

My boys jumped out of the car with such enthusiasm, such excitement, it was almost contagious. I followed them to the park and sat down to watch them. As I did I began to notice something. I started to feel peaceful. I was sitting on this warms summers day in the beautiful sunshine watching my children laughing and having fun. They were so happy and I was happy I had made them happy. I was relaxed and this was the perfect afternoon and the perfect way to spend the day. I just didn't realise it.

The blessing was discovering that not always do I know best. I learnt today that sometimes it is our children who know best. We can all learn so much from them and about life. I learnt that today I had a choice. To sit at home feeling sorry for myself or to go out enjoy the day and play anyway. I know which choice I would have chosen today if it wasn't for my eldest. Thank you son xxx

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