Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hot Chocolate

What I loved today... making my boys hot chocolates. I love that I did this. I love that they didn't ask for one and that I just offered. I love that although this act was something so very simple it made me feel good. Its the little things, the simple things done from the heart that your children will go on to remember. Not the toys you bought them, or how cool their clothes are but the love you gave and the moments you shared.

Think back to your own childhood. What do you remember? What left you with the fondest memories? I bet it too was something simple. If your a parent congratulations. You too have the opportunity in every moment to leave your children with the gift of a memory that will last and stay with them forever. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I'm always so...aware that we're building memories here. That those little moments are going to be the ones they remember when they're grown. That they'll remember the way I rubbed their backs or kissed their heads, the way I made their hot chocolate or tea just the way they liked it, or read with them. Not the iPads or the clothes or the toys. The love.
