Saturday, July 20, 2013

Love Is Seen Not Heard ..

I read the other day that when you think of love it isn’t words that come to mind but moments. This had me thinking about my own life and my own moments where I have seen love. I’d thought I’d share a couple that instantly came to mind ….

After being in labour for 24 hours with my first child (and not telling anyone I was in labour) I was being rushed out of my room for an emergency caesarean. As I was laying on the bed being rushed out as fast as the doctors could I saw my entire family sitting outside the waiting room, where they had been all day. It was midnight.

I remember the look on their faces, concern, love, anticipation and excitement a moment I will never forget. That is love and it was my brother’s face I remember most. That my brother was there and at that hour where he had been waiting for who knows how long despite that he would normally be in bed by 9 and up before dawn, he was there…

Love is every Christmas for as long as I can remember my mum always making the day about us kids and never ever about her even though it was her birthday.

Love is when my partner and I first started dating and all his friends told him that I wasn’t good for him and he was better off without me. Love is him following his heart and going against the friends he had known for many years compared to the few weeks he had known me.

Love is my father taking our beloved dog and family member Brian to the vet to be put to sleep and out of his misery because he was the only one strong enough to do so.

Love is when my eldest was given money for his birthday and him giving it to me telling me he wants me to give it to poor people.

Love is everywhere and is always seen and never heard. It is in the actions we make, not the statements we state ♥

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