Monday, July 29, 2013

Do You Judge Others...?

When someone walks into a room I don’t notice the clothes they are wearing, their nationality or race I see them. I see a person who is just like me, someone who wants to be loved and accepted.

We all judge, we’d be lying if we said we didn’t. However what I’m consciously trying to do  and have been for sometime is trying to no longer judge and its possible!

I very rarely notice a judgmental thought about another these days. Instead I only see beauty, the good in people and the positive. It wasn’t always like this. It was only when I started noticing judgmental thoughts or opinions of mine come up and deciding to no longer pay attention to them, that they slowly started to disappear. I cancel them out and replace with a new one. 

For example I remember a few months ago I was driving the boys to school when I noticed a young boy walking to school. In my head I heard ‘my god he is fat’. I was shocked, it was so mean and I immediately cancelled that one out and replaced it with  ‘but how great is it that he is walking to school, what great exercise and a healthy thing to do’.  

I’m grateful thoughts like the above are very few these days but it’s only because I no longer see others this way. I see them as people who are just like me each fighting their own battles and all wanting nothing but to be loved and accepted.

 I have found that since judging others less I also judge myself less. I am happier, others are happier around me and it’s an all over happy place. I remember thinking we can’t help but judge but lately I’ve learnt you can!

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