Saturday, March 30, 2013

You Are Gifted

I often hear people say and I'm sure you too have heard someone say "You have a gift" or "that person is so gifted" .

When I was younger I remember always wanting to be gifted. To be special at something. Some people I knew where amazing singers or dancers, others really creative or artistic. However I felt as though I had missed out. That I simply just wasn't gifted.

I was thinking about this today. About my gift and I realised that each and everyone of us is gifted and has something uniquely special to offer the world.   As no two people are alike (not even twins as they too have their differences), well as no two people are alike no two people have the same gift to offer.

You have something so incredible inside of you that is waiting to be discovered or waiting to be shared. I know this to be true because when you discover what is uniquely you, it makes you come alive.

How Do You Find Your Gift?

That's the tricky part. You see. Its not waiting to be found, its waiting to be grown. Its already there like a seed planted in the ground waiting to be nourished and grown.

There are clues to what your gift is and deep within you, you already know what that is. It is that thing you do that fills you with so much joy. It excites you, it is what gets you up in the morning, it is what you would do forever and never get bored of. It is what you were born to do.

It may not be something as big as an author of the next top selling novel or an international opera singer, it could be something like cooking homemade meals made from your heart, writing poetry for children, caring for abandoned animals or playing the tambourine. Whatever it is, it is there and it is yours.

Search within yourself and notice because once you do I can promise you that signs and indications will be shown to you of what it is you are to do in this lifetime.

Good Luck!

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