Sunday, March 31, 2013

Time to Stop Being So Serious..

This morning whilst eating breakfast I did the usual thing I do. I ran over the list of errands and things that need doing today. This soon ended as my attention was  drawn to my young boys playing loudly and being boisterous.

They were laughing, happy and enjoying themselves. For a moment I felt a pang of jealously that I am no longer that free, that I have become old with my list of commands and things to do and this had me thinking ...

I thought for a moment that perhaps I too could be that carefree and not have to attend to my list of things that needed doing, but realistically the dishes need cleaning and our clothes need washing. But perhaps my children and our children are here to remind us that life is about play to. That is isn't all to do lists, jobs and things not fun.

Children play when they play and work then they work. I'm not sure I can say the same about myself. I work when I work but when I play, I'm thinking about the work I should be otherwise doing. I also feel guilty for playing. Crazy. But I'm sure I'm not alone.

So much can be learnt from children. We are not here to teach them, but the opposite. They are here to teach us, to teach us how to enjoy life.
What do we teach them?

The opposite. We (well I know I do) I tell them what not to do and how to do it. I tell them to be quiet, to stop playing silly games and to not pull apart the couch to make a fort. I must vow to stop this.

What's wrong with being creative and playing loudly? Why should I tell them to stifle their joy to a level more appropriate to my ears!

 On a deeper level this is teaching my children not to express their joy and that you should only feel so much joy before you must stop it.  Not something I want to teach them.

I know why I am this way too. Because its the way I was shown, the way I was taught. This is how adults behave and I'm an adult so therefore I too must behave this way. Slowly I am changing this. I am the mum who joins her kids on the play equipment, who gets her face painted also and who jumps on the trampoline in the rain.

Its time to stop being so serious because I'll warn you now ... you may actually have fun, smile and worse ... enjoy yourself!!

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