Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Getting Older Is Scary.

Today I was thinking about getting older and aging. I don't really want to. I know its inevitable and that its going to happen but I'm afraid. So I thought about this. What am I scared about?

The grey hairs ....?

No. They can be dyed.

My health declining ...?

No, not really as I can do something about that now to avoid it doing so.

So what am I afraid of?

I'm afraid of missing out. Missing out on everything that I could, should and can be doing now, at this age. Not accomplishing all I want to.

When I'm older I want to have lived, lived each age to its full glory and not wasted a moment. This year I'm 33. My 33rd year of life and I plan to live it.  I choose not to spend it worrying about turning 34, 54 or 104 because ...

You are only ever the age you are now. There is only ever now. You cannot plan and make things happen in the future the same way you cannot make events or things happens in the past. 

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