Friday, February 15, 2013

It Isn't Always About Me.

I had a list of things to do today. All involving me. Your probably familiar with such lists. On it was a visit to the shops, cleaning the house, call/visit a friend, facebook time, etc. All these activities were about me and I was either going to drag my kids along with me or expect them to entertain themselves while I attended to the list.

I then stopped and thought to myself  ...

Is this all important?

I immediately answered and found myself saying a huge NO.

What is important is my boys. They are my life. They are mine on loan to guide in this life, to enjoy, to help grow into men. They are not mine to drag around and 'accompany' my life as a sauce does a meatpie.

It was in that moment I decided to devote the day to them. I asked my 4 year old what he wanted to do. He said he wanted to draw. So today I drew. I didn't call that friend, I didn't clean out that cupboard I had promised myself I would and facebook survived without me.

I learnt today. I learnt again that its the simple things that matter in this life. We often make big lists of all things we should be doing. But is it important? Most the time its not. What is important is the memories you make and create not the goals you achieve. That is what I learnt today.

* The photo you see is one of the pictures I drew today with my 4 year old. My boys often draw and give me their creations. Today  I gave my drawing to my 4 year old  and  he  put it here on display. Bless that boys heart <3

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