Sunday, February 10, 2013

Babies Have No Clouds

This morning I took my youngest still a baby out shopping with me. I love taking him. He is at an age where if I'm honest, he enjoys it more then me. He happily sits in the shopping trolley smiling at everyone, laughing at nothing and grabbing at everything. It is just the cutest age.

Today at the shops with him was like every other time I am out with him.  People were drawn to him. They would smile at him, talk to him, touch him anything to get a little piece of that baby-ness. This of course had me thinking ....

What is it about babies that we all love so much? And it isn't just my baby either. Its all babies and I often find that I too am swept up in their magnetic charm.

So what is about them that makes them so different to any other person?

I think its that we see our own purity and our own innocence in them. We see what we once were but have since forgotten. In them we see that part of us that is pure love and joy.

The good news is that this part of us, well its still there. It never left. Its just being clouded with every day worries and concerns.

All we need is to see through the clouds and allow them to lift and when they do our true essence will be revealed - just like babies. Babies aren't clouded and that is why we love them so.

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