Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Yerba Mate - It Had Me Thinking

Recently I've discovered herbal teas and I drink some of the most unusual concoctions.

For example, my latest is a tea called "Yerba Mate". I have this tea in the morning which is apparently made from a holy tree found in South America. It is said to be a real energy booster and a great replacement for coffee.

This morning as I enjoyed yet another cup of this tea I couldn't help but wander who it was and how it was that they discovered that certain trees, plants and leaves can be brewed into teas. I'm grateful that they did.

Today I'm grateful for all those that go out on a limb. Who do things that to most other people would appear crazy, yet in doing so they discover something magical. I guess its the only way to discover magic is to step outside the box we all live in and from what is safe and normal to what is unknown. To venture out into the undiscovered because when you do you may just discover a whole new world.

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