Friday, April 19, 2013

Trees Cry Too ... We Just Don't Hear Them.

I saw a tree cut down the other day. It broke me.

This tree wasn't cut, it was mutilated. A big truck was called in to chain itself to the top of it so that it could then be pulled and ripped from the earth.

To many it was just a tree but to me its life. A life wanting to live. Do you know how much we need trees and how much we rely on them to live? Without them we would literally suffocate.

I was thinking how easy it is to do - cut down a tree. Because it doesn't fight back and we can't hear it cry. It just allows and gives itself to us. The tree let these men rip it from the earth the same way a baby or young child allows abuse, but that doesn't make it ok.

I want to live in a world where life is respected and revered, not taken. I walked past that tree again today and only his stump remains. I am still unsure as to why it was taken. Perhaps the owner of the house found him an eyesore or its leaves falling onto their roof an annoyance.If only they knew just how much that beautiful 40 foot gum was giving them.

* This post is dedicated to that tree and the trees that are taken so unfairly.

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