Sunday, November 24, 2013

Trust and Listen

Our cat Ben at the moment has the most nasty, deep, and horrid looking gash in his side. He has had it for a few days now and it has been only in the last 24 hours that I've taken a closer look at it and really started to notice it and him.

He hasn't been himself. Resting rather than out playing, staying close to home rather than venturing out and when he isn't doing that he is licking, cleaning and tending to his wound for the upteenth time.

Watching him has made me realise how in tune cats are to the nature of things and how amazing our bodies are including Ben's. I have no doubts that he will heal but I often wander would I heal the same?

If I were me would I listen to my body and do what its telling me or ignore it and go out and play anyway. Which I'm sure is what Ben would much rather be doing.

I can recall many times I haven't listened. Pushing myself that extra bit when my body is screaming at me to stop, to only end up injuring myself. Or the one I'm most guilty of, ignoring my body's plea for sleep to only stay up that extra hour and suffer the next day.

What I've learnt and am still learning is our bodies know and they communicate with us every day the only way they can, through feelings, symptoms, pain and pleasure.

Ben's injury has been a reminder to me to no longer ignore and think you know best but to instead trust and listen.

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