Monday, November 18, 2013

Be You. Everyone Else Is Already Taken

I’ve recently come to learn that there is no point in being anyone except who you are. So many of us try to be someone were not. We do it without even realising…

When you meet a new friend, apply for a new job or start dating someone new. You do it. We all do it ... be the person we think they want us to be not the person we are.

In the past I have done this. Believe me I have done this… I remember as a young girl pretending to like all sorts of things I didn’t just so he would accept me, love me and want to be with me. I remember pretending to be into hot rods and heavy metal music once. SO not me!!!!

But what I have learnt and what I know now is there is no way you can keep that shit up! The years and time I have wasted in my past turning myself into another’s persons view of me is crazy.

Now though, now I am me and you can love me or hate me but I am me, this is who I am and there is nothing more freeing than to be just that.
Be yourself everyone else is already taken.

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