Saturday, February 22, 2014

Recovering Complain-aholic

We all know someone with cancer or who has had cancer. And what about the children. Those beautiful, young, strong spirited children, who show us how to smile in the face of adversity. 
Children who never complain and are put through more than any child should when young. Their childhoods stripped away and replaced with hospitals, injections and illness.

Today I wrote a card to a young boy who is fighting cancer. He will celebrate his 10th birthday in hospital as he has many of his previous ones.

How can we not appreciate our own children, their health and ours when we see so many that aren’t as fortunate. As a past and recovering chronic complainer I can no longer complain about such idle things. Life is a gift, your health is a gift, the eyes you’re reading this with. A gift. There all gifts.
It’s hard sometimes not to get caught up in everyday problems but when I remember that others out there have real problems and real issues it always puts my own into perspective - mine are so small and pointless in comparison.

The things I can complain about sometimes are embarrassing to admit, but as I mentioned I’m in the process of giving that up. I want to embrace life not condemn it. 

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