Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Mirror Doesn't Lie. You Do!

Compliment yourself. Seriously. Do it.

I figure why expect someone else to make you feel good, loved and appreciated when you can easily do it yourself!

I'm not embarrased to admit, I do this. There was a time when no way would I ever have mentioned to others (never mind publicly blog about it on the internet) that I tell myself I'm fantastic and loved. I would have thought this was a sure sign of crazy and being up yourself. Perhaps I am crazy, I could even be what you would consider conceited. I can't be the judge on that, but I don't mind, someone has to play the part of crazy and it may as well be me.

What about me being conceited? Well that is merely just a judgement and someones opinion isn't it?

I decided to look up the meaning of the word conceited and this is what I found:

 "Having an excessively favorable opinion of one's abilities, appearance, etc.

"Excessively proud of oneself"

"Holding or characterized by an unduly high opinion of oneself"

Are they really all such a bad thing?

Being too proud of yourself and being favorable over your own abilities. Whats better, its opposite!? To doubt your own abilities and yourself. Yep that must be better Ha. Anyway that is an entirely different post.The reason I'm sharing this is because it will change your life!

Look in the mirror and don't criticize what you see. Love what you see.

 It will be hard at first and you'll have all sorts of voices telling you the opposite. I know I did. But the voices eventually stop telling you how terrible you are (and also how stupid you are for doing this exercise!) and when they do you will look in the mirror and see the truth of who you are.

You will see that you are not the judgements and criticisms you tell yourself and hear but standing there in front of that mirror is a person as perfect as can be. A person who was made exactly as he or she should be. Love that person. I do

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