Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Childs Art

The other day I was looking at a drawing  my 4 year old had drawn me and I had a moment of realization. To me his drawing was perfect. It was what you would expect from a 4 year old, but I then started to think that if an adult had done the exact same picture it wouldn’t be accepted, and certainly wouldn’t be classed as good. It was scribble. 

I thought about this some more and realized art is art. It comes from your heart and is what it is. It isn’t right nor wrong, its just an expression of the artist.

So why is it that if I had drawn that same drawing it would be considered, well ... crap! This is what had me thinking. You see we as adults place judgments and expectations on things, everything. As an adult we would criticize and judge our art and not accept it as a mother does her child's. 

What is the difference between a child's art and an adults? Nothing. The difference is us, the ones that judge it.  

A mother doesn’t judge her child but the question is would she be so kind if it were her own drawing...

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