Saturday, January 12, 2013

I love her

I love her.  That girl you see right there in that picture. It has only taken me 32 years to do so but I do.

This is me. And I can only now admit it without fear of sounding conceited or caring what others think.  I may not be perfect and I wouldn't want to be. I have faults. lots. Can point them out to you even, but its my faults that I have learnt to love. Its the 'faults' that make me, me.

I chose this photo and decided to post such an entry because I wanted to show you the raw me. The real me. Untouched, natural and how I am. As soon as I saw this photo I started to criticize and critique myself as we all do. Then I stopped as I realised how much love I have for this person. This person has carried me through so much. I also know that if I don't love me, who will? 

We must all learn to love ourselves first and foremost. Always.

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