Thursday, January 31, 2013

Death. Its Natural.

I passed a hearse today. In the back lay a coffin. 

Was it someone’s mother, father, daughter or son?  A friend, aunt or grandparent?  Whatever label that person had they were someone’s loved one. Someone’s life.  

Life is precious. I say it so often because so many of us forget how precious life can be.  Today I was reminded of it. I was also reminded that I too will someday lay in the back of a hearse.

Its not something I like to think about often – death. But it’s as much a part of our life is as anything else. It’s natural and something each and everyone one of us will someday face. 

Seeing the hearse and coffin today was a reminder that my life is never guaranteed. Every day is a gift. Every day I am alive there is something to be thankful for and if I cant find anything to be thankful for than I can at least be thankful for the air I breathe and my heart that beats to keep me alive.

They say life is short. I don’t really believe in that. I say it’s not that its short its more that its wasted and not lived to its full potential. So many of us sit around waiting for life to happen, for it to start.
But life, this life of yours, IS yours. You are the driver, you are in control and you call the shots. Don’t let life take you over, take over your life!

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