Thursday, March 13, 2014

You Deserve It!

 Earlier today I was in a store purchasing a birthday gift for a friend and had a choice of two items. One was cheaper and overall packaged nicer to give as a gift, the other more expensive and in my opinion better.

I stood there for a moment and decided whether or not go with the more pricey item and splurge, or the cheaper one and save. I picked up the cheaper one and went to walk away when I stopped, put it back and grabbed the expensive one.

My reasoning ... she deserves it and deserves to be spoilt. I thought about this more later that day and realised that we all deserve to be spoilt, each and every one of us and that includes me. But how many of us actually do? I also wandered if I were buying the item for myself which I would choose?

So splurge and spoil. It’s a service to you. Its loving to you and you my dear deserve it.

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